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USC was set out to overhaul the 1923 Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum with a new structure that would include suites, a concourse and a press box.  Hathaway Dinwiddie began construction the day after the last Rams game in 2017.  The existing stadium seating rested on grade with tunnels that led from the exterior to the field.  The extents of the demolition and excavation would be as limited as possible to protect the seating not included in the new structure region.  The existing tunnels and past retrofitting would be exposed in the excavation.  Historical and retrofit drawings were extensively reviewed and coordinated in the shoring documents.  The historical entrance stairs had to be hung off of the shoring, cantilevering out over the excavation.  Calex Engineering installed the shoring system and helped to coordinate all the unexpected filed conditions not shown on the as-built drawings.

Cefali & Associates, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers, Los Angles, CA © 2020. All Rights Reserved

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